Bulk Selection (Select All/Clear All)

Bulk selection allows you to quickly “Select All” of your search results, useful for bulk invitations or communications to multiple individuals . After entering your search terms & receiving results, click the 3 dots icon and “Select All.” To clear all sections, click the 3 dots and select “Clear All.”

Note: Explore self-service options through our introduction Trainual course.

Participation Profile: New fields for Registration, Presenting Author & Non-Presenting Author Participation

• Can now quickly view a person’s registration and submission history on their Person Details page.

On the Person Details page, we’ve expanded the Participation Profile section to collect information for Registration Participation, Presenting Author Participation and Non-Presenting Author Participation. With these expanded tools, users can quickly see current and past registration information as well as the history of specific submissions from that individual. To populate the data in this section, Admin users need to use the “Update Participation Info” tool (accessible on the Bulk Action Ribbon of the People Dashboard or in the top right corner of the Person Details page).

People Import for non-AMS clients

• New Import feature allows users to do a bulk import of new meeting people. The import tool includes a “Conflict Check” to ensure duplicate accounts aren’t created.

On the People Dashboard, this new Import feature allows clients (who are not using an AMS to manage their data) to do a bulk import of new people accounts. The import can be done using your existing Excel or CSV file that contains the information for the people to be imported. Or, you can download our CSV template to paste your data in (and then import). This import feature will do a “Conflict Check” of the CTI database to ensure that duplicate accounts are not created during the import. You will have the option of downloading the list of “Conflicts” after the import.

Update Past Meeting Participation icon on People Dashboard & Person Detail page.

• This gives admin users the option to update past meeting participation for the individuals of their choosing, either in bulk or individually.

On the People Dashboard, we’ve added a new bulk action icon that will allow you to update the past meeting participation information for the individuals you select. This can be done in bulk on the People Dashboard, or individually by clicking on the “Update Participation Info” on the top right corner of the Person Details page. This will pull past meeting participation data as far back as the data exists for your association in cOASIS. Using this new feature updates the past meeting participation for ALL of your cOASIS meetings, thus there is no need to run it for each individual meeting.

Ability to change Session Type

• Option to change the Session type from the Session Details page.

On the Session Details page, administrative users will now have the option to change the session type for a specific session. By clicking on the session title (in the left navigation bar on the Session Details page), users can now quickly make this change for individual sessions.

Text Editor on Campaigns, Session & Person Details pages

• New Text Editor on Campaigns, Session & Person Details pages simplify the editing/formatting of campaigns and other text.

We’ve added a new text editor on the Email Template and Landing Page edit screens under Campaign Recipients as well as in the larger text fields on the Session Details and Person Details pages. The new text editor automatically strips unnecessary HTML code when copying and pasting text in from Microsoft Word (or other documents). It also includes expanded rich text formatting icons to simplify the setting up/editing of campaigns, landing pages and other text.

Access Portal and Planner via Person Details page

• Administrators now have the option to login to the Program Planner and Participant Portal from an individual’s Person Details page.

From the Person Details page, administrators now have the option to login to the Program Planner and/or the Participant Portal as that specific user. This new function allows admin staff to “shadow” the end user and perform all available actions in the Portal and/or Program Planner. Any actions will be logged as “Administrator” actions.

Options to Delete and Clone sessions

• Added functionality to Clone and Delete Sessions on the Session Details page.

On the Sessions Dashboard and Session Details page, we’ve added the ability to delete a session. When deleting a session, all assigned session roles will be removed and session will not be available for session scheduler and exports. On the Session Details page, we’ve also added the option to clone a session. This will create a duplicate session (with a new Session ID number), copying over the standard fields and any session extra fields created. Cloning a session DOES NOT currently copy over any assigned session roles.  

Profile photo & biography upload via Participant Portal

• Meeting participants will now have the option to upload a profile photo & biography information through their portal profile page; photo and bio will automatically display in cOASIS with option to display in Program Planner.

For meeting participants using the Participant Portal, we added fields to the profile page which give participants the option to upload a profile photo and/or a brief biography. Photos and biography information entered will automatically update in their Person Detail page in cOASIS (as well as in the Program Planner, if those display settings are activated). Users are given the option to upload a photo from their PC, or via camera if accessing the site from a mobile device. Adding information in the Biography field ensures that it will appear with program profiles for any roles at this and future meetings.

Registration Dashboard

• The new Registration Dashboard allows you to manage registration information for all registered attendees as well as send bulk communications via email.

We’re introducing some new tools to help manage onsite activities. This new Registration Dashboard allows you to track (and view contact information) for all registrants. You’ll be able to easily access the registration code and/or badge number for your attendees as well as add new registrants from this dashboard. Note: Adding a new registrant on the Registration Dashboard also creates a new Person Detail account page for that individual if one doesn’t currently exist. If an account already exists, it will just add this registration information to their existing account page.

Presentations Dashboard

• This new dashboard provides in-depth information for all presentations scheduled with options to contact presenters and manage presentation details.

This new dashboard provides details about all presentations scheduled (invited speakers, faculty members, chairs, abstract submissions, etc). This dashboard gives you options to contact all presenters within a specific session (via email or campaign/notification), manage the location of their presentation, view a copy of their presentation materials, and view any applicable disclosures submitted by the presenter. All this information (and much more), easily accessible from the Presentations Dashboard!

Add All Session Presenters to a Campaign

Find either the session # or session title on the session dashboard. On the submissions dashboard, make sure the session title or session # column is visible and then do an advanced search of either to find all presentations scheduled for that session. Click to “Select all” and then “Communicate via Campaign.”

Add to Campaign via Control Numbers

To add presentation roles/submissions to a campaign, click on the 3 dots icon and select “By Control Numbers.” This allows you to paste in a list of control numbers (up to 500 at a time) that you can then add to a campaign. After pasting in control numbers, click “Communicate” icon and select “via Campaign.”

Clone Session

This feature allows you to copy an existing session (all data fields/info will carry over to the cloned session–EXCEPT any presentations/roles that have been scheduled in the original session). It will also be assigned a new session number. To clone, click on the session to copy and click on the “Clone” button.

Access Participation Portal to “Shadow” User

From the Person Details page, click on “Access” icon and select “Portal.” This gives the administrator the ability to log into the Participation Portal as that individual. This feature was formerly referred to as ‘Shadow Person.’

Explore self-service options through our introduction Trainual course.

Tips: Sessioners

This dashboard allows you to view the information (including # of sessions and controls assigned) for your meeting’s sessioners, if applicable. This refers to anybody designated to be a session organizer (also commonly referred to as a session builder or slotter).

Add New Campaign

2. Campaign Name is an internal name only admins see in cAdmin.
3. Display Name will be seen by the participants in the Portal. These names can be the same, or you can make them different for internal naming convention.
4. Default Expiration Date is when the campaign will expire, meaning after the expiration date, the recipient (or presenter) will no longer have access. For example, an admin does not want to make the review site available to abstract reviewers if the review site has already closed. 
5. Campaign Type:
Email Only: This category includes just the email (nothing else).
Informational: This category includes the email and a link within the email body. Clicking the link directs the recipient to a landing page via a unique URL generated within the email body. There are no specific actions or steps involved.
Action Only (No Steps): This category is the same as the Informational category, but it includes action buttons such as Accept, Decline, or Continue, without any additional steps.
Action with Steps: This category is similar to Action Only (No Steps), but it also includes steps such as editing the author block, changing the presentation title, uploading files, and more.
6. Default Campaign: Provides the opportunity to clone an existing template to save admin time. For example, many campaigns may have similar verbiage or structure.

Invite to a Session Role

Click on a person record. Click “Invite” icon and select “Invite as Session Role.” Select the type of session role (can also assign to a specific session and/or add to a notification campaign, if needed). Click “Preview” and then confirm section to complete invitation to session role.

Click on a person record. Click “Invite” icon and select “Invite as Session Role.” Select the type of session role (can also assign to a specific session and/or add to a notification campaign, if needed). Click “Preview” and then confirm section to complete invitation to session role.

Invite to a Session Role

Click checkbox to select sessioner(s) then click “Invite” icon and select “Invite as Session Role.” On the next screen, select the type of session role (can also assign to a specific session and/or add to a notification campaign, if needed). Click “Preview” and then confirm section to complete invitation to session role.

Click checkbox to select sessioner(s) then click “Invite” icon and select “Invite as Session Role.” On the next screen, select the type of session role (can also assign to a specific session and/or add to a notification campaign, if needed). Click “Preview” and then confirm section to complete invitation to session role.

Search: Simple, Advanced

To find a sessioner by name, type search criteria in search bar and hit enter. Toggle the Advanced Search button to “On” for advanced search criteria. Hit enter after typing in search criteria. When search is complete, click “X” to remove search filters in place.

To find a sessioner by name, type search criteria in search bar and hit enter. Toggle the Advanced Search button to “On” for advanced search criteria. Hit enter after typing in search criteria. When search is complete, click “X” to remove search filters in place.

Add/Delete Session Location

To add/delete a session location, hover over “Sessions” section of toolbar to see drop down options. Click “Locations.” To add a location, enter the location/room info, capacity and click “Add Location” button. To delete, scroll down to see list of locations and click on the orange trash can icon (in the Actions column).

Search: Simple, Advanced

Use Search Box to search for an individual, email address or country. Input keywords and click magnifying glass. Toggle the “Advance Search” button to “On” for an advanced search to refine search criteria using specific criteria. Type in search terms and hit “Enter.”

The simple search box for the People dashboard will return results for:
– Salutation
– FirstName
– MiddleName
– ThirdName
– FourthName
– LastName
– Degree
– Institution
– Phone
– Email
– City
– Country
– Gender
– CareerStage
– MemberType
– AccountKey
For example, “Smith” results in any field containing Smith, like FirstName, Email, LastName, City, Institution, etc.

To narrow the simple search above, toggle the “Advance Search” button to “ON” to refine the search criteria. Use the “target” icon shown below for tips on how to type in the search criteria for each text field:

For example, use quotes around “Smith” for the last name to match exactly (instead of results like Adam-Smith). Click the Filter set “x” to clear results.