Sponsorship Statistics

To learn about statistics for calendar sponsorship opportunities, watch from 5:04 to the end below: 

To view sponsorship statistics:

  1. Go to Analytics > Dashboard
  2. Click “Export Data” in the top right-hand corner
  3. Click Sponsorship Clicks and Continue

Here you’ll see multiple sponsorship statistics and most notably:

1. The booth clicked in association with the sponsorship (BoothName). Remember a booth must be associated with a sponsorship for the booth to be created
2. Type of sponsorship clicked (BoothSponsorshipTypeName)
3. The ReportingName is set up by the administrator under Sponsorship Assignments in either “Onsite->Sponsorship assignments” or “Onsite->Booths & sponsors and clicking on the booth where the sponsorship assignment is set up.” The ReportingName (below) is valuable for administrators to give sponsorships unique naming conventions for the statistics reports

4. The link that was clicked (BannerLinkUrl)
5. What time the link was clicked (DTStamp)
6. Who clicked the link (LastName, FirstName)

Arranging these 6 main categories into a pivot table will give administrators valuable data as to the most popular sponsorships.